Build a ZoomFactorPlguin; allow an image to be scaled by a percentage.
Create a ZoomFactorPlguin that allows a 'zoom' factor to be specified. If height/width/maxheight/maxwidth are used, they will be multiplied by this factor. If none are specified, the original image will be scaled using the 'zoom' factor.
I.e, &zoom=0.5 equals %50 zoom. &zoom=2 equals 200% zoom.
Useful for scaling a fixed layout to different resolution devices without introducing blurring.
Chime in - would a &zoomall= setting be useful to scale border,padding, and margin values as well? Feedback on &zoom=?
Will be a core feature in V3.1, no plugin installation required. Will be subject to scale=down|up|canvas restrictions, use with &scale=both to get ‘normal’ behavior when making an image larger than its original size.
Mark commented
The ability to scale images based on device AvailableDispayWidth is exactly why i use this "most awesome" library.
Without a zoom type interface, i have to access the original image and then do some basic calculation to get the new width based on the original image vs device capabilities -
Remco commented
I vote for this :) I'd really like this feature!