Keep EXIF info when resizing.
Besides using ImageResizer for scaling images I'm planning to use it to re-size large images after upload before i write it to disk.
I would very much appreciated if there would be an option to preserve the exif info in the image if there are any. I will use the rotation and geolocation information later on.

We’ve also been working for the last year on porting metadata-extractor to c# – see
Moped commented
I guess you could use a tool like PhotoScaler - check out . it does resizing and preserves EXIF.
Tristan commented
Work around for anyone who might not be able to wait-
Create a third image by combining the metadata of the original image with the image of the resized image.
Possible implementation:
In the last 12 months, I've answered/completed 30 ideas here, and written over 40 plugins - far too many, in fact, since the maintenance burden is cumulative.
To compensate, I'm trying to ensure that each future plugin I commit to maintain is self-supporting, financially. My current development & maintenance burden is in excess of 80 hours per week, which means I outsource tasks on a weekly basis.
I estimate the maintenance burden alone for a complete metadata plugin (exif, iptc, & xmp) to exceed $1800/year but only bring in extra sales revenue of $300-$500.
If I can get pledges for the difference, for the next 2 years, $2,600, I can add it as a fully-supported plugin.
Alternatively, if someone wants to branch the Core to add the appropriate extensibility points, and implement the plugin themselves, I'll try to give them all the support and help I can, and publish it in the Contrib folder of the project. Keep in mind there are 3 different pipelines that will need to be supported, so a stream-based read/write solution might be best.
Morse, Jason commented
We need to retain copyright and other EXIF tags in the resized images because of legal reasons.
rickrat commented
Nathanel, checkout for metadata, works pretty good.
Most people prefer to have it stripped, but it is useful for certain applications. I could use or or
Metadata is stored separately from bitmap data, so a MetadataCloner plugin to enable metadata writing would need to extract it, store it, then restore it before it gets written to disk. Ideally, all metadata would be supported: EXIF, IPTC, and XMP. A complete and solid implementation would take a very significant amount of time to develop, and would probably need to be funded.