Make it easier to give you money.
We're now using your plugin in production and want to get a license even for the 'free' version to support your work and of course get support should we need it. It's obvious now that I found it on the plugins page but it seems like it could benefit from some "buy" option from home page or licensing pages.

Spencer Drager commented
Nathan, please heed this! You have an issue with conversion rate and it's because your front page has no call to action (very important!). Even though you are open source and aren't out to force people to pay, you certainly (I know after reading your letter) have a conversion problem.
Check out that post... there are many more like it. The gist? On the front page, just below the slide show, have 2 big, colorful buttons that you can't miss. The first is a "Download Now" button. The second is a "Contribute" or "Purchase License" button. You will see a dramatic effect.
Also, on the plugins page, the add to cart buttons are silver and do not stand out at all. Make them vivid green (or any color) and draw some attention!
rickrat commented
As a matter of fact, just give us your wallet, and we'll put the money in there. :)
Funka! commented
Also wanted to mention, I happened to be using Firefox 3.6.28 when I was first on the site, and noticed the add to cart and view cart buttons didn't work. (Didn't do anything when clicked. Javascript was not disabled or blocked.) Switching to Chrome to repeat the process worked just fine. Just wanted you to know. Thanks again!
Funka! commented
Came across this project today, have spent last two hours reading through the entire site, testing and playing with it on a dev server, and realized right away it is perfect for our needs. So after deciding to purchase a license, I couldn't find where to do so, even on the Licenses page (where I expected this to be) and following the link that says "only $250", it still doesn't have any purchase buttons. Of course I knew it had to be somewhere, even though it took me an extra minute or two of surfing around wildly looking for it. (It's floating to the side of the Plugins page I found.) Anyhoo, thanks for the great project and keep up the good work!
Yeah, I think I agree it needs to be more obvious. I'm assuming a click-through pattern from /plugins that may not be true 100% of the time.
Dan Friedman commented
For instance, on, it's difficult to see that it actually costs money.